Since 2009, we have produced over 100 performances and skits.

Who are we?

The Magnificent Journey is a 501 (c) (3) not for profit corporation that was formed in 2009. Since that time, the two arms of the corporation, "Drama with a Point" and "The Fellowship of Christian Swordsmen" have performed around 200 skits and demonstrations for churches, The Salvation Army, Child Evangelism Fellowship, youth and children's groups, Vacation Bible Schools, One Act Play competitions, libraries, civic organizations as well as teaching theatrical fighting classes at Tyler Civic Theatre for ten summers, and even organized line parties for charity and participated in two Ballet performances!



Present spiritual truth and develop Godly character through the disciplines of drama, sword fighting and discipleship.


As the families involved determined to “…do all to the glory of God,” we present larger, full-length dramas with a distinctly Christian message. We use theatrical sword fighting in our plays with the belief it is an excellent vehicle to present many spiritual truths.

Kingdom Purpose

Our plays are family friendly with a distinct (but we hope not cheesy) Christian message. We also donate a part of our donations to various ministries and charities.

Who leads the group?

  • Becky Clayton


    For the past 20 years, Becky Clayton has taught Acting Conservatory and STAR Classes for Tyler Civic Theatre. She is a certified teacher with a degree in Journalism/Communications and a background in Radio and TV News. Becky directs the “Drama with a Point” Drama Troupe that works in conjunction with “The Fellowship of Christian Swordsmen.” Under the Magnificent Journey, a nonprofit organization, the groups strive to present spiritual truth and develop Godly character through the disciplines of drama, sword fighting, and discipleship. Writing and directing plays with a spiritual message is her passion, as well as teaching young people the confidence and poise that come from acting and speaking in public. Becky and her husband Bud have four sword-fighting children and two wonderful grandchildren in training!

  • Chris and Alison Chadwick


    Chris and Alison Chadwick, are professional fight choreographers who have been involved in both theatrical and combative sword fighting since 1988. Chris started combative fighting at the age of 16 and Alison studied theatre and stage combat in college. They both enjoyed combative and theatrical fighting while performing with an international theatrical fighting company. After being asked to teach a sword fighting class for a home-school co-op in 2002, the response was so enthusiastic that the Chadwicks founded the Fellowship of Christian Swordsmen. Classes are still going on today and the estimated number of students taught is around 2,000 to date. They focus on instilling confidence, character, community, and conformity to the image of Christ through their teaching, devotionals, and Bible studies. Chris is a minister serving as the Lord leads. He and Alison have one daughter, Emily, who helps teach and is an active part of their ministry.