Drama with a Point in conjunction with the Fellowship of Christian Swordsmen present family-friendly plays with a distinct Christian message.


Upcoming Production:
The Son of The Scarlet Fox

It is a fact that the passing of time changes things…and people. Can the Scarlet Fox and his dedicated team continue to come to the defense of the Duchess? Does his son have the courage and the ability to assume his father’s legacy?

Last Production

Hidden Treasure, a family-friendly drama, deals with treasure and learning how to recognize real treasure when you find it. Filled with pirates, romance, humor, a sea dragon, and lots of exciting steel sword fighting, this drama is sure to have you saying "AAARRRGGG."

 A portion of the production’s proceeds will benefit ELOHIM Love International Ministries. If you want to know more about the ministry or to donate, please click on the photo below.


“When God is with you, it doesn’t really matter what is in your hand – only that you use it!”

— Lisa Bevere

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